
The consultation is carried out by a specialist of the company and is free of charge.

Rehabilitation - return to normal life.

After an illness or complicated treatment, it can be challenging for patients to recover using only their powers. For example, after a stroke, a person has recovered, but the limbs did not return to their previous mobility. Rehabilitation can help. This set of measures is no less important than treatment. With a rehabilitation program, you can fully recover from a severe illness or significantly improve your quality of life.


Benefits of rehabilitation in our country

Rehabilitation is a set of measures to restore a person's health and ability to work after an illness. The patient is under the supervision of doctors. A unique program is selected for him, which will be effective in his case. Traditional methods are combined with new technologies: massage, exercise therapy, mud baths, fresh air, modern exercise machines, and apparatus. In addition, attention is paid to psychological and social rehabilitation. This includes psychotherapy and communication with relatives.

Rehabilitation methods in our country are constantly being improved. New techniques appear; patients restore health with the help of proven technological innovations. In a rehabilitation center, a person is under the supervision of doctors. They assess his condition: whether there is improvement or deterioration. Based on this, the rehabilitation program is being adjusted.

Rehabilitation of patients in Russian clinics

FolisterMed company offers to undergo rehabilitation in clinics where the doctors-practitioners work. They assess the patient's health status, develop a program for him. Specialists are constantly learning, applying in practice new technologies in the rehabilitation of complicated patients. Russian centers are equipped with modern fitness equipment for the recovery of health. The patient is offered comfortable living conditions, delicious food, and fresh air. The rehabilitation center specialists will monitor the dynamics of treatment and make adjustments if necessary to ensure that the patient gets the most out of rehabilitation. In Russian centers, you will undergo a complex of wellness procedures and be able to relax after an illness fully.