General surgery

The consultation is carried out by a specialist of the company and is free of charge.

Russian surgery is a branch of domestic medicine that is developing at an amazing pace. It combines the highest qualifications of specialist surgeons, time-tested domestic traditions of treatment, world experience of the latest achievements of the surgical industry. All this allows Russian surgery to reach one of the top places in world medical science, to earn recognition and respect both from international experts and patients from many countries.

Today, thoracic and visceral surgery for Russian surgeons is not a new word in medical science but an everyday practice. Minimally invasive techniques, laparoscopy, and angiosurgery have become widespread. The use of endoscopy has brought the surgical area to a new, qualitatively perfect level. Now patients can be treated as accurately as possible, without undue discomfort, fears, minimizing the time of operations, the rehabilitation period, injuries from the intervention of surgical instruments.

General surgery

The main advantages of Russian surgery

First of all, it should be noted that regardless of the scale and popularity of medical institutions, any of them tries to ensure the use of the most accurate and modern diagnostic methods, optimal treatment, and the possibility of rehabilitation, moving in step with the times. An effective result can be obtained both in a large medical center and in a small private clinic. All this is possible thanks to the highly qualified medical staff, an integrated approach to the entire treatment procedure, modern medical techniques, the most innovative techniques. Not least place in the treatment procedure is taken by an individual approach in relation to each patient.

Using preferably minimally invasive methods, Russian specialists minimize the risks of possible surgical complications and patient anxiety about surgery.

Surgery in Russia is an optimal, modern treatment with the possibility of subsequent comfortable rehabilitation. These are highly professional doctors, the latest equipment, an individual approach, and most importantly - high responsibility for their work.

Surgery in Russia. Organization of examination and treatment

FolisterMed company is ready to assist in organizing treatment in Russia. We have a long-standing cooperation with leading clinics and medical centers. We have vast experience; we know all the nuances of this area. You can contact us with any problems and questions related to your health.