Romanov Denis Sergeevich

The consultation is carried out by a specialist of the company and is free of charge.
Romanov Denis Sergeevich
Romanov Denis Sergeevich
Position: Deputy Director General for scientific activities of the federal network of expert oncology clinics "Euroonco"
Speciality: Radiotherapist, candidate od medical sciences
Consultation price
On request
  • Member of the Association of Russian Oncologists (AOR), the Russian Association of Therapeutic Radiation Oncologists (RATRO), the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO)
  • Member of the expert group in the framework of the National cancer control strategy
  • Radiation therapy and complex treatment of patients with neoplasms of the brain, lungs, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder, prostate, rectum, skeletal bones, soft tissues, and skin.
  • Stereotactic radiotherapy of pancreatic tumors.
  • Treatment of metastases in the brain, lungs, liver, lymph nodes.
  • Complex treatment of patients with disseminated melanoma of the skin and other localizations.
  • Treatment of patients with the oligometastatic process.
  • Treatment of patients with potential effectiveness of the combined use of modern immunotherapy and radiation therapy.
  • 2020

Further education course in radiotherapy, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

  • 2018

Defense of the thesis on the topic "Variants of stereotactic radiotherapy in the complex treatment of patients with tumors of various localizations with metastatic liver damage"

  • 2016

Advanced training at the Federal state budgetary institution "RNTSRR" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation under the program “Radiology”

  • 2016

Professional retraining at the Federal state budgetary institution "RNTSRR" of the Ministry of Health of Russia in the field of Radiotherapy

  • 2016

Internship at the FSBI HPE Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, speciality "Oncology"

  • 2011

Residency in the speciality "Radiology" at the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin

  • 2009

SEI HPE "Russian State Medical University of Roszdrav"

  • 2011-2018

Physician-radiotherapist at the radiological department of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin.