Kushlinsky Nikolay Evgenievich

The consultation is carried out by a specialist of the company and is free of charge.
Kushlinsky Nikolay Evgenievich
Kushlinsky Nikolay Evgenievich
Position: Head of Department - Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics
Speciality: oncologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Receives patients: NMRCO named after N.N. Blokhin
Consultation price
On request

Author of over 500 scientific works published in Russian and foreign press, including monographs "Receptors of steroid hormones in human tumors" (1987); "Receptors of sex steroid hormones in bone tumors" (1995); Prostate Cancer (2002); Breast Cancer (2005); "Molecular genetic markers of tumors" (2016); "Biological markers of tumors: basic and clinical research" (2017).

  • screening of tumor and background diseases: thyroid gland, mammary glands, abdominal organs, chest organs, soft tissues, bones, skin and its appendages;
  • performing all types of biopsies;
  • advising oncological patients to decide on further case management tactics.

The role of biological tumor markers and molecular genetic factors in the diagnosis, monitoring and selection of effective treatments for malignant neoplasms. The most significant and representative studies are related to the study of local auto / paracrine regulators of tumor and endothelial cell growth, proteolytic systems involved in metastasis, invasion and neoangiogenesis, regulators of apoptosis and criterion of hormonal and drug sensitivity of tumors.


Fellowship in the specialty "Oncology", All-Union Cancer Research Center


Residency in the specialty "Oncology", All-Union Oncological Scientific Center


Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine", the First Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov

Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin"

Doctors of the Clinic