Kudryashov Alexey Alekseevich

The consultation is carried out by a specialist of the company and is free of charge.
Kudryashov Alexey Alekseevich
Kudryashov Alexey Alekseevich
Position: Head of the Neurological department
Speciality: Neurologist, rehabilitation therapist, methodologist, candidate of medical science.
Receives patients: Lyadov Clinics
Consultation price
On request

Author of 12 scientific papers, Hirsch index - 3.

Scientific interests are in the field of: medical rehabilitation, administration and management in the health care system, quality management systems in health care.

  • Member of the Regional public organization "Association of Neurosurgeons of the Tyumen Region"
  • Member of the Union of Rehabilitation Therapists of Russia
  • Member of the World Stroke Organization (WSO)

SEI HPO "Tyumen State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Specialty "General Medicine" (2001)

SEI HPO "Tyumen State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Clinical residency in neurology (2003)

SEI HPO "Tyumen State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Full-time postgraduate studies in neurology (2006)

Defense of the thesis "Analysis of epidemiological indicators and risk factors of cerebral strokes in Tyumen" (according to figures from the population register of cerebral strokes). Mr. Kudryashov was awarded the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences (2008)

SEI HPO "Tyumen State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Professional retraining in the specialty "Organization of health care and public health" (2011)

Professional retraining in the specialty - physician of physical and rehabilitation medicine on the basis of the Federal Center for Cerebrovascular Pathology (2020)


Advanced training courses:

2001 - FSBI “Research Institute of Blood Circulation Pathology named after academician E.N. Meshalkin", " Topical issues of angiology. Organization of centers for registering and stroke prevention"

2003 - SEI HPO "Tyumen State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia - "Medical massage"

2005 - SEI HPO "Tyumen State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia - "Manual therapy"

2008 - SEI HPO "Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Roszdrav" - "Neurology"

2009 - Le Meridien Moscow Country Club. School of Neurologists and Neuroresuscitators - "Neuroprotective therapy in acute cerebral ischemia", training "Public speaking"

2010 - Short-term course in the framework of the continuous medical education program of the World Federation of Neurologists (WFN), Continuing medical education program of the World Federation of Neurologists

2010 - SEI HPO "Russian State Medical University of Roszdrav" - "Applied kinesitherapy for cerebral stroke"

2010 - SEI APO "St. Petersburg Center for Postgraduate Education of Workers with Secondary Medical and Pharmaceutical Education" - "Interdisciplinary care for patients with stroke. Problem-Oriented Approach "

2011 - Mr. Kudryashov was awarded the highest qualification category in the specialty "neurology"

2012 - Moscow Business School - "Business planning and design in the creation and reorganization of a medical center"

2013 - SBEI HPE "Tyumen State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia - "Neurology"

2013 - Non-State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg Law Academy" - "Organizational and methodological work in the health care system"

2013 - International training program in neurology "Expanding the borders", Istanbul, Turkey

2016 - FSBEI HE "Tyumen State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of Russia - "Organization of health care and public health"

2016 - FSBI «Center for Monitoring and Clinical and Economic Expertise" of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare» - «Training of specialists in the quality and safety of medical activities in medical organizations»

2017 - Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "First Moscow State Medical University. named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia -"Epilepsy Surgery "

2017 - Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "First Moscow State Medical University. named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia -"Innovative technologies in neurorehabilitation of patients with neurological and neurosurgical profile "

2017 - Certification training for the right to work with the drug Botox "Botulinum toxin type A. Possibilities of therapy for neurological diseases"

2018 - International educational and cultural program "International Visitor Leadership Program", USA

2018 - SEI APO "Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Roszdrav" - "Neurology"

2018 - Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "First Moscow State Medical University. named after I.M. Sechenov" Ministry of Health of Russia - "Innovative technologies in neurorehabilitation of patients with neurological and neurosurgical profile. Spasticity: diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation"

2018 - Additional professional program "Intensive therapy for acute disorders of cerebral circulation" SBMI "Research Institute of Ambulance named after N. V. Sklifosovsky of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow"

2018 - Advanced training "Medical rehabilitation" FSBEI HE MGMSU named after A.I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia

2019 - Advanced training course "Practical application of the ICF in rehabilitation"

2019 - Mr. Kudryashov was re-awarded the highest qualification category in neurology, the first category in health care organization

1995 to 2001 - SEI HPO "Tyumen State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia - Student, specialty "General Medicine"

1998 to 1999 - State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Tyumen Region “Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1” - Nurse of the ward of resuscitation and intensive care of the emergency department

2000 to 2001 - State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Tyumen Region “Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2”  - Nurse of the neurological department of an adult hospital

2001 to 2003 - SEI HPO "Tyumen State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia - clinical residency in the specialty "Neurology"

2002 to 2003 - SCH VL of the Tyumen city - Head of the Stroke Registry Center, neurologist

From 2003 to 2003 - State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Tyumen Region “Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2”, neurological department of an adult hospital – neurologist

From 2003 to 2006 - SEI HPO "Tyumen State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia - full-time postgraduate study in the specialty "neurology"

2004 to 2006 - State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Tyumen Region “Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2”, neurological department of an adult hospital - neurologist (part-time)

2006 to 2011 - State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Tyumen Region “Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2”, neurological department of an adult hospital – neurologist

2011 to 2019 - Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center of Neurosurgery" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine - neurologist (from 09.08.2011 on a part-time basis) organized and launched the work of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation of Stage 1 in Neurosurgery

2011 to 2019 - FSBI "Federal Center of Neurosurgery" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, organizational and methodological department - doctor-methodologist (from 09.07.2012 on a part-time basis)

2012 to 2019 - FSBI "Federal Center of Neurosurgery" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Head of the organizational and methodological department

2015 – Neurologist, member of the Commission of the Ministry of Health of Russia on quality and safety of medical activities in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 2015 № 46 "On conducting a routine inspection of the quality and safety of medical activities for the period 2014 - present Federal State Budgetary Institution "North-West Federal Medical Research Center" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "

2016 - Neurologist as a member of the Commission of the Ministry of Health of Russia on quality and safety of medical activities in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2016 № 431 "On conducting a routine inspection of the quality and safety of medical activities for the period 2015 – at present Federal State Autonomous Institution “Scientific Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after academician N.N. Burdenko "Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation"

Since 2019 - Lyadov Clinics LLC, Head of the Department of Neurology