Krasilnikov Mikhail Alexandrovich

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Krasilnikov Mikhail Alexandrovich
Krasilnikov Mikhail Alexandrovich
Position: Deputy Director for Science (Scientific medical research center) - Director of the Research Institute of Carcinogenesis
Speciality: oncologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Receives patients: NMRCO named after N.N. Blokhin
Consultation price
On request

M.A. Krasilnikov is the author of 2 patents for inventions and more than 200 scientific works published in Russian and leading international journals, analytical reviews, monographs and textbooks. Under the guidance of M.A. Krasilnikov, ten dissertations have been completed. Mister Krasilnikov is the leader of projects funded by the International Foundation For Science, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Science Foundation, the Federal Target Program “Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia”, an expert of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research of the Russian Science Foundation. M.A. Krasilnikov is the Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Scientific Research Institute of Carcinogenesis, Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the annual All-Russian Conference on Molecular Oncology; editor-in-chief of the journal "Advances in Molecular Oncology", member of the editorial boards of the journals "Bulletin of the Russian Cancer Research Center", "Siberian Journal of Oncology", "A Cancer Journal for Clinicians".

The main areas of research of M.A. Krasilnikov are concentrated in the field of oncoendocrinology and are devoted to studying biochemical and molecular biological mechanisms of the action of steroid hormones on tumor cells. In particular, new targets of estrogen action in tumor cells have been identified, including proteins of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition; the role of exosomes in intercellular cooperation and the development of a resistant phenotype of tumor cells are being actively studied.

The main areas of research of M.A. Krasilnikov are concentrated in the field of oncoendocrinology and are devoted to studying biochemical and molecular biological mechanisms of the action of steroid hormones on tumor cells. In particular, new targets of estrogen action in tumor cells have been identified, including proteins of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition; the role of exosomes in intercellular cooperation and the development of a resistant phenotype of tumor cells are being actively studied.

1977 - Faculty of Medicine and Biology, 2nd Moscow Medical Institute named after N.I. Pirogov, speciality – “biochemistry”.

1980 - postgraduate study at the All-Union Cancer Research Center of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences

Tumor Biochemistry Laboratories, Research Institute of Carcinogenesis,

since 2002 - Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Endocrinology, Research Institute of Carcinogenesis,

since 2013 - Director of the Research Institute of Carcinogenesis of the Russian Cancer Center named after N.N.Blokhin. Candidate of Biological Sciences (1982), Doctor of Biological Sciences (1994), Professor (2008) in the speciality 14.01.12 – Oncology.

Doctors of the Clinic